How to draw Pokémon Pikachu in 10 steps
How to draw Pokémon Pikachu in 10 steps
What you will need

A pencil
Paper to draw on
Colored pencils

Starting our drawing
- First thing first, draw a construction line down the center of the page. We will be erasing this line later so don’t make it too dark. This line will help us to make sure our Pikachu is symmetrical.
- Next, we will draw the basic shape of Pikachu’s face. His head is round with the cheek area being a little larger.
- Now we add in Pikachu’s body. He is sitting down in our picture so the bottom section is much larger than the middle.
- Let’s add some Pikachu paws! Show an arm on either side of the construction line. Don’t worry about the overlapping lines. We will be removing those later. Pikachu has 5 fingers on his hands. Show each one.
- Next step is to add Pikachu’s feet. Once again, don’t worry about the overlapping lines. We will be erasing these later as well. Show all three toes individually.
- Our next step is to add on Pikachu’s iconic ears. Have fun with these. You can show both upright like we have done here, or you could show one sticking out to the side or bent over. Remember the lines that show the black tips of his ears.
- Now we will add in Pikachu’s tail. Remember, his tail is behind him so we won’t see the whole thing.
- We are almost there! Now we can add in Pikachu’s face. Make sure his face is symmetrical. Draw his cheeks, his eyes, nose and mouth.
- Now our Pikachu is almost done! We can remove the unnecessary construction lines and the overlapping lines. Our drawing has the lines we are removing as red.
- Now we are done! We can now color away! Typical Pikachu is yellow with black tips on his ears and red cheeks.