How to draw a simple Celtic knot #3 – Level I difficulty

How to draw a simple Celtic knot #3 – Level I difficulty


What you will need


 A pencil

 Paper to draw on

 Colored pencils

Starting our drawing

  1. First thing first, draw six equal square on the page. Almost all of these lines will be removed later, so draw them lightly.    In each one of our steps, the new additions will be shown in red and any lines we are removing will be shown in blue.

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 1

  1. Next step is to draw circles where all lines intersect. Do not draw small circles.

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 2

  1. Now we will draw more circles in the center of all the squares. Make sure these circles are the same size as the other eight circles you drew before.

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 3

  1. We will now add in some parallel lines. For now, just draw the two sets of parallel lines we drew.  Show the lines tangent to the existing circles and perpendicular to each other.

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 4

  1. Repeat the last step through the rest of the drawing. Use our drawing for reference.

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 5

  1. We are going to start rounding out our drawing. Draw an arc on the top middle square.  Remove the lower half of the top middle circle as shown in blue.  Add in two small lines on either side of the circle.

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 6

  1. Repeat the last step on the bottom of the drawing. Add another arc and change the circle.

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 7

  1. Now we are going to work on our first corner. Remove the bottom have of the circle as shown in blue.  Add in two small lines off the circle to join the top arch.  Round off the corners of the drawing as shown.

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 8

  1. Repeat step 8 with the rest of the three corners. Use our drawing for reference.

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 9

  1. Our next step is starting to remove unnecessary lines. We start by removing the unnecessary circles.  Remove all the circles at the joints.

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 10

  1. Now we remove the rest of the constructions lines.

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 11

  1. We are done! Enjoy your work!

how to draw a celtic knot 3 step 12

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