How to draw Pokémon Cherubi in 10 steps
How to draw Pokémon Cherubi in 10 steps
What you will need
A pencil
Paper to draw on
Colored pencils

Starting our drawing
- First thing first, draw four construction guidelines. One down the center of the page, one horizontal across the middle and two diagonal lines. We will be erasing this line later so don’t make it too dark. This line will help us to make sure our Cherubi is symmetrical.
- Next, let’s just start on Cherubi’s main head. Cherubi’s head is a perfect circle. The top of the circle will be where all the guidelines meet.
- Now we will add in the second half of Cherubi’s feet. We will draw two feet on the bottom of our circle. Don’t worry if they don’t look quite right. We will be removing extra lines later.
- Our next step will be to draw Cherubi’s face. Draw the stripe down the center of the forehead. They eyes are ovals with smaller ovals inside. Draw a small curved line for a smile.
- Stem is next! Use the guidelines to help draw the stem. Draw two big leaves off the stem coming off the top of the head.
- Now we can add Cherubi’s second head. It is also a perfect circle. Draw it under the right leaf.
- Now we can add in the face on the second head. Draw two small lines for closed eyes and a slightly open mouth.
- We are almost there! Now we just add in the step joining the small head to the main stem. Don’t worry about overlapping lines.
- Now our Cherubi is almost done! We can remove the unnecessary construction lines and the overlapping lines. Our drawing has the lines we are removing as red.
- Now we are done! We can now color away!