How to draw Pokémon Ralts in 10 steps
How to draw Pokémon Ralts in 10 steps
What you will need
A pencil
Paper to draw on
Colored pencils

Starting our drawing
Step 1
First thing first, draw four construction guidelines. One down the center of the page, one horizontal across the middle and two diagonal lines. We will be erasing this line later so don’t make it too dark. This line will help us to make sure our Ralts is symmetrical.
Step 2
Next, let’s just start on our Ralts head. The head is mostly a circle. However, it will be wider at the bottom for the cheeks. Don’t worry about any overlapping lines. We will be removing any unnecessary lines later. Start the bottom of the head where all the lines intersect.
Step 3
Now we will add in the bottom of the hair. Our Ralts will be looking straight at us, so we can draw our Ralts symmetrical on either side of the center vertical line. The hair is parted down the middle. The bottom of the hair line is about in the middle of the head.
Step 4
It is time to add in the front horn. The horn will be thinner at the top and widest at the top of the head. Use our drawing for guidance.
Step 5
Mouth and eyes are next! The mouth starts with an egg shape with a smaller circle shape inside. The eyes are three half circles inside of each other. Once again, use our drawing for guidance.
Step 6
Now we can finish up the hair by showing a couple of curved lines coming from the top of the head down to the bottom of the hairline.
Step 7
Now we can add in our Ralts legs. They will be a long triangle shape starting just under where all the guidelines meet. At the bottom of the triangle, in the middle, show a small wedge where the legs meet. Then show a V shape at the top of the legs.
Step 8
We are almost there! Last pieces we need to add are to add Ralts arms. They are small thin arms. Show them on each side of the body.
Step 9
Now our Ralts is almost done! We can remove the unnecessary construction lines and the overlapping lines. Our drawing has the lines we are removing as red.
Step 10
Now we are done with our Ralts! We can now color away!