How to draw Pokémon Surskit in 10 steps
How to draw Pokémon Surskit in 10 steps
What you will need
A pencil
Paper to draw on
Colored pencils

Starting our drawing
Step 1
First thing first, draw four construction guidelines. One down the center of the page, one horizontal across the middle and two diagonal lines. We will be erasing these lines later so don’t make them too dark. These lines will help us to draw our Surskit accurately.
Step 2
Next, let’s just start on the body of Surskit. The body is an oval shap. Place the center of the oval where all the guidelines meet.
Step 3
Now we will add in the antenna on top of Surskit’s head. We are adding it on top of the head. Place the antenna in the center, on the top. Don’t worry about overlapping lines. We will be removing those later.
Step 4
Our next step will be to draw the front two legs. Use the guidelines for placement. Start the legs on either side of the body/head. Show them sloping downward.
Step 5
Back legs are next! Use our drawing for guidance. Once again, don’t worry about overlapping lines.
Step 6
We will continue by adding the cap on the top of Surskit’s head. Draw an inverted arc near the top of the head. Draw two small lines coming off the arc going upwards.
Step 7
Now we can add in the eyes. Each eye is two circles. One smaller circle inside the other, larger circle. Both eyes are the same. Use the guidelines for placement.
Step 8
Next step is to add in the semi-circles that are under the eyes. Draw one of each under each eye.
Step 9
Now our Surskit is almost done! We can remove the unnecessary construction lines and the overlapping lines. Our drawing has the lines we are removing as red.
Step 10
Now we are done! We can now color away!