How to draw Pokémon Swinub in 10 steps
How to draw Pokémon Swinub in 10 steps
What you will need
A pencil
Paper to draw on
Colored pencils

Starting our drawing
- First thing first, draw four construction guidelines. One down the center of the page, one horizontal across the middle and two diagonal lines. We will be erasing this line later so don’t make it too dark. This line will help us to make sure our Swinub is symmetrical.
- Next, let’s just start on Swinub’s body. Swinub’s body is almost egg shaped. Since we are showing our Swinub straight on, think of it as the top half of an egg. Use the guidelines to help.
- The next step is to add in the bottom part of the body. Show a curved line underneath the egg shape.
- Let’s now add some fuzzy fur to the left side of the page. Show a jagged line representing fur joining the two outline lines of the body. Now we can repeat drawing the fur on the other side.
- Now we can start working on Swinub’s stripes! We will start with the first stripe down the middle of the head. Start the stripe right at the intersection of all the construction lines.
- Next up is the stripes on the sides of Swinub. Show three stripes down the right side of the body.
- Mirror the stripes from the right side of the paper to the left side.
- We are almost there! Now that we have the body done, we just need to work on the face. We can start the face with the eyes. Remember, Swinub’s eyes are closed. Use the guidelines to help with placement. The nose is a simple oval with two straight lines on either side inside the oval.
- Now our Swinub is almost done! We can remove the unnecessary construction lines. Our drawing has the lines we are removing as red.
- We are done! We can now color away!